What is OUR Secret?
Communication. Collaboration. Coordination.
Global management and legal consultancy specializing in policy and strategy for the government and in the private sector.

- Federal, State and Local Civilian Personnel Policy
- Internal Audit, Risk and Compliance
- Managed Legal Services
- Legal Information and Knowledge Management
- Program and Project Management
- Legal Project and Legal Process Improvement
- Continuing Legal and Professional Education
- Personnel Security and Facility Clearance Consulting

A Highly Experienced, Merit-Driven & Qualified Firm
MNB Meridian Defense, Ltd., is a global management and legal consultancy specializing in policy and strategy for the government and in the private sector, legal project management, managed legal services, business process improvement, and security clearance advocacy.
About MNB Meridian Defense Our Leadership

Navigating Organization Complexities
A navigation compass rose encircled by a sailing rudder chain locking the compass points at true north, with the 1776 United States Prime Meridian superimposed on the compass along with the name of the Company MNB Meridian Defense.
The chain-locked compass represents the Company’s focus on the rule of law and the beautifully intricate development of capitalism established by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.